Producing the Most Energy-efficient, Life-like Burning Gas Logs in the Hearth Industry
Grand Canyon Gas Logs launches its new, innovative Phantom™ Log technology which will be featured in two new products. The first-ofits-kind technology in the open face fireplace market integrates the burner tubes inside the actual logs, rather than two separate components, giving the look and feel of a real log on fire.
“We are really excited to launch our most innovative products to date, adding to our high-quality gas log portfolio,” said Elliott White, executive vice president of Grand Canyon Gas Logs. “With this new technology, we’ve finally found the solution to making ceramic logs look like they’re really burning, while also making two of the most efficient gas logs in the hearth industry market. This is the future of fireplaces.”
The revolutionary Phantom™ Log technology required the engineering of new ceramic logs to allow the burner tubes, which provide the gas output, to be moved from under or in between the logs to inside the logs. Each log is individually created with output holes and input ports to allow the fuel to flow out of the log. This allows for not only the most realistic look on the market, but also reduces gas consumption while still creating a fuller, more robust flame effect and radiating more heat out into the room compared to a traditional gas log set.
The new Phantom™ Log technology is first being launched in two new products: the Bedrock Traditional and the GlowFireTM Burner Series. The Bedrock Traditional Vented Drop-in Burner system is perfect for any vented modular masonry fireplace with five convenient sizes and variable flame electronic controls. For those looking to convert from a wood fireplace to a gas fireplace, the GlowFireTM Burner Series comes in four sizes with multiple control options.
White added, “The new technology we’ve created will revolutionize the open face fireplace market and create a new platform for future product development. At Grand Canyon Gas Logs, we’re always looking for the next advancement.” See these innovative gas log products in action at the upcoming International Builder’s Show in in Las Vegas Jan. 31 through Feb. 2 at Booth #C1835.
About Grand Canyon Gas Logs
Since 2013, Grand Canyon Gas Logs have brought handcrafted quality, hyperrealistic designs, and American-made manufacturing back to the hearth industry’s gas log market. They harness 30 years of industry knowledge to help foster innovation in an ever-evolving hearth industry. Visit grandcanyongaslogs.com.
About RPG Brands
RPG Brands, located in Phoenix, is the parent company of the fireplace and outdoor living brands Modern Flames, Grand Canyon Gas Logs and Wildfire Outdoor Living. With a tech mindset, RPG Brands is elevating what consumers know and love about electric fireplaces, gas logs and outdoor grilling, making it possible to have luxury features to experience that caters to their lifestyles.” To find out more visit rpgbrands.com.